Multicrete Precast is Recognized for Our Quality & Service
There have been many challenges thrown at the team but we were able to overcome them all through hard work, thinking outside the box, and collaborating with each other.
The project was completed in half the time originally expected despite having to add five additional plugs.
I want to thank each of you for your efforts and your dedication to completing this project.
While we had never used Multicrete Contracting before, we heard about them from a trusted vendor. It was an absolute pleasure working with the team from Multicrete. The price worked out, the product was just great and the service was excellent. Good Job!
In conversations with Multicrete, there was no question that they were not willing to answer. I found their customer service representative and QC manager to be very transparent... The Multicrete product is superior in terms of less rebound, efficiency, smoother finish, high early strength, and fantastic customer service.
We gratefully acknowledge Multicrete's in-kind and time contribution to the project by donating the concrete for culvert footings, shotcrete materials, spraying the test culvert pipe, steel cross bracing and rebar cage for the culvert, assistance with the design of the CTF, as well as various aspects of project design and planning time.
Multicrete embarked on a thorough, controlled, calibration program to evaluate how a digital Mecmesin shotcrete penetrometer could help accomplish our objectives. This allowed improvements to be established alongside the optimization of the shotcrete product—a mix of quality and efficiency for which Multicrete are renowned.